Addy: Finding Freedom (Historical Characters Edition)

In Addy: Finding Freedom, “Escaping is dangerous, but Addy Walker’s family has to try. They are enslaved on a plantation during the Civil War. As they make plans to take their freedom, the worst happens: Poppa and Addy’s brother, Sam, are sold. Addy and Momma risk everything to make the escape themselves, even leaving baby Esther behind with Auntie Lula and Uncle Solomon. Momma promises Addy that they will come back for Esther when the war is over. But first, Addy and Momma must make it to freedom.” (Connie Porter, 2020)

Illustrators: Dahl Taylor, Melodye Rosales, Geri Strigenz Bourget, Renée Graef, Luann Roberts, Jane S. Varda, Blake Morrow and Chris Hynes.


  • Addy: Finding Freedom (Historical Characters) | 2020 | American Girl, LLC., U.S. | Object ID: 1864AB27