Finding Freedom: An Addy Classic Volume 1 (BeForever Edition)

In Finding Freedom: An Addy Classic Volume 1, “Addy Walker’s family is planning a dangerous escape from slavery during the Civil War. Before they can leave, the worst happens: Poppa and her brother, Sam, are sold. Addy and her Momma risk everything to make the escape themselves, including leaving baby Ester behind with Auntie Lula and Uncle Solomon. Even though Momma assures Addy that they will come back for Esther when the war is over, leaving her is the hardest thing Addy has ever had to do.” (Connie Porter, 2014)

Illustrators: Juliana Kolesova, Michael Dworkin


  • Finding Freedom: An Addy Classic Volume 1 (BeForever) | 2014 | American Girl, LLC., U.S. | Object ID: 1864AB25