What Recipes and Crafts Can Teach Us About the Past

This article includes snippets from Family Search, LA Times and Eastwood Schools. Click each website to read the entire article and explore other articles.


Most recipes are passed down from generation to generation. But did you know that recipes can tell a story and help us understand the past? They're often connected to people, places, and special memories. They have a who, a where, and a why. 

Oftentimes, recipes come with culture and history. They can tell the journey of the creator, their family, heritage and life experiences. When you cook a dish, you can get to know the person behind it. You're making history when you prepare and eat these foods with your family and friends.

Arts and Crafts 

There is no doubt that arts and crafts are fun activities for children of all ages. Be it coloring with crayons or making miniature statues from clay, folding paper to create fine origami or designing a handmade birthday card, there are several arts and crafts activities, which can enhance the interest of children and adults.  

By introducing arts and crafts to children of all ages, and involving them in such activities, they can learn to value and appreciate cultures and times from the past. A lot of the information we have now about people that lived many years ago came from art.  

American Girl: 35 Years of Strong Characters 

When you create a dish or craft inspired by the American Girl characters, you have an opportunity to step into their world and learn what it would have been like to live during that time. We sincerely hope that you enjoy these dishes and crafts and can learn more about these beloved characters. 


American Girl Winter Stories


American Girl Holiday Stories