Molly’s Star Whirler

Thank you for joining us for our program today. We are so happy that you are here!

For today’s program, we will be making a Star Whirler, a craft inspired by one of American Girl’s first characters, Molly. Today’s craft can be found in Molly’s Craft Book: A Look at Crafts from. the Past with Projects You Can Make Today. The following directions make one star whirler!


  • Foam paintbrush, 1 inch wide

  • Acrylic paints, any color

  • 3-foot wooden dowel, 1/2 inch wide

  • Small artist’s paintbrush

  • Pencil

  • Sheet of tracing paper

  • Sheet of newspaper

  • 3 sheets of construction paper, any color

  • Scissors

  • White glue

  • 3 ribbons, each 3 feet long

  • Glitter


  1. Use the foam paintbrush to paint a base color onto the dowel.

  2. When the base coat is dry, use the artist’s paintbrush to add designs to the dowel.

  3. To make the star streamer, trace a star pattern onto tracing paper twice. Don’t cut the stars.

  4. Place the sheet of tracing paper onto newspaper design side down. Use the side of the pencil to color over the lines on the back of each star pattern.

  5. Place the tracing paper on top of a sheet of construction paper, design side up. Then draw over the lines of the patterns, pressing firmly.

  6. Lift up the tracing paper. The pencil markings from the back of the tracing paper will come off where you traced. Cut out the stars.

  7. Glue a ribbon to 1 of the stars. Then glue the other star on top. Make 2 more star steamers in the same way.

  8. To decorate your stars, squeeze glue designs onto 1 side of each star. Use a light touch — a little glue goes a long way! Then sprinkle glitter over the glue.

  9. When the glue is dry, decorate the other side of each star.

  10. After the glue has dried, gather the end of all 3 ribbons together. Then tie them in a tight double knot around the bowl. Trim off the extra tails of ribbon, and whirl your stars!

Photo of Molly’s Star Whirler | 1994 | American Girl, LLC., U.S.


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